Creating stages

Now let's get to the "harder" part

So, creating stages is as easy as it could be, just follow the first step of going to the instance's config folder and in there you should find a file called "thitemstages-common.toml" (File example #1), open it with your preferred text editor and start creating stages!

So the contents of the config file should be similar to these:

["General Options"]
	#List all the stages that you want to have.
	stages = ["age_1", "age_2"]
	#Set this value to 'true' whenever you're having issues, this will allow the mod to output everything it tries to do in the log.
	debugMode = true

To create a stage you simply just list another stage in the "stages" parameter. Example: In the code provided above we have: "stages = ["age_1", "age_2"]" if we wanted to add a stage named "nether" we should modify that parameter to look something like this: "stages = ["age_1","age_2", "nether"]"

Now that you know how to create stages let's get to creating restrictions

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