Other questions we've received in the past.
Why do I only have 1/2 pages in JEI?
This pack uses T.H.I.S. to lock certain items/features behind stages. If you can't see some items in JEI, it's because you have to progress through the pack and unlock Ages. Check this page if you wanna learn more about Gated Items and how they behave.
I can't make alcohol/the Fermentation Barrel doesn't work, what's up?
In multiplayer there is a known issue where the Barrel will not display its processes. It's just a visual thing. If the recipe you're trying to make, works in Singleplayer, it will also work in Multiplayer, but you won't see the progress bar filling up. Just wait for the recipe to be completed.
I can't open inventories or break blocks - why?
You might be holding a Gated item in your hand. Try again with an empty hand. If that's not the case, it's most probably a rare, known bug. Just restart the game. This happens because the GUIs simply don't load when the game is started.
Is there any vein miner?
No. But at least you can use axes to quickly chop down trees. Just crouch while breaking a log with an axe.
My plants don't grow - why?
We're using the Serene Seasons mod to make the game more immersive. Plants won't grow if they're our of season. You can skip over this issue by placing regular vanilla Glass above your crops. The Glass has to be in 16 blocks area above a plant in order to have an effect over it.
Can I grow my plants year-round?
In the 2nd Age you have access to Greenhouse Glass. It can be placed above crops to make them grow Year-round.
I randomly got weakness and hunger - what is this?
Most probably, your nutrition is at fault. Check this page for more info. Another cause might be the fact that you picked up an Orb with bad effects. Certain mobs and certain blocks will drop Orbs similar to Xp, that will provide certain effects for limited amounts of time. Usually Wither Skeletons and Witches drop Orbs with bad effects.
How do I find a Witch faster?
Use the Explorer's Compass to locate a Witch Hut. Apart from this, you can use the Nature's Compass to find a Swamp, which might drastically increase your chances of finding a Witch.
I heal really slow - why?
This pack uses the Harder Natural Healing mod to make things harder. Progress further and you'll find solutions to deal with this.
Why can't I mine Coal with the Flint and Bronze Pickaxes?
It's an intended feature. You're meant to make Charcoal using Wood Log Piles and a Charcoal Pit.
My rats don't move and, generally, they don't do anything - why?
They need a tiny amount of blood to 'ignite' their soul :) Put them in the "Hunt Prey" mode. Then allow them to hit an animal once - that will give them a tiny amount of blood. After that, they'll be able to help you. (Fyi, this is actually a bug in the Rats mod and the workaround presented here was actually used as an "official" mechanic by us, because we can).
Why doesn't Fortune give me more ore Chunks?
This pack uses the 1.16 mining system, NOT the 1.18+ one. There's no bonus for mining Metals with Fortune.
I'm getting only Cracked Vessels from Pit Kilns - why?
If you open a Clay Vessel and then place an item in it, any item, don't bother to lit it up, it will output a Cracked Vessel. This happens due to the Clay Vessel's code. Best thing will be to craft a Clay Vessel and lit it up without opening it.
I can't take items off of Drying Racks/Millstones/WoodenBasins - why?
You have to use Shift + Right Click with BOTH hands empty.
I can't get the Vorpal Enchantment, I've been Enchanting for days - what's up?
The Vorpal Enchantment cannot be obtained in the Enchanting Table. You'll have to find it in Loot Chests, either on a Weapon, or on a Book.
I want to craft some items from the Eidolon mod, but I can see their recipe in JEI - what's up?
Some Eidolon items are made with a Brazier Ritual. Unfortunately, the JEI support for this type of crafting is very poorly implemented. Basically, JEI won't show the output for any Brazier Recipe. You'll have to see the uses for one of the ingredients. For example, you'll have to press U on a Pewter Block to see the recipe for the Reaper's Scythe.
How can I repair the Praetor Scythe? Blood Scepter and Praetor Armor?
The Scythe and Scepter cannot be enchanted and repaired. The armor can be repaired either with Shadow Infused Ingots, in a vanilla Anvil, or with the Mending Enchantment.
Create Fluid Pump doesn't work?
If you're using it with a Steam Engine, you'll have to give enough RPM to the pump, so it can keep up with the consumption of Steam.
I can't craft x Item because I don't have enough Starlight, what do I do?
Relocate your altar. On the entire map, there's a Fosic Field that deals with the starlight amount available. It goes from 0.0 to 1.0. If an area has 0.4, or more starlight, you'll be able to see those areas by holding a Fosic Resonator in your hand. There are 4 Altars in Astral Sorcery. In this pack, the Fosic Resonator is not mandatory until you get the 3rd Altar. We recommend you to get your Hands on the Resonator as fast as possible. If you can't craft a Glass Lens or a Looking Glass, to reach Twilight Forest, just relocate your Luminous Crafting Table to another location with maybe 0.2 or 0.3 starlight.
I need to finish Twilight Forest to progress in Astral? I need the Fosic Resonator to make the 2nd Altar.
No, you don't. Not at the beginning. Not for the 2nd Altar. Initially, in Astral Sorcery you'll have to move your Altar to different places, and altitudes, in order for you to find a spot that will give enough Starlight, so you can make the Starlight Crafting Altar (2nd Altar). The Resonator is not mandatory.
I made 12474763 Relays for my Altar but I don't get more Starlight?
Since 1.12.2, Astral Sorcery changed its mechanics. Words from the Astral Disocrd: there's a cap now on how much an altar can gain starlight from the same source type. and for collectors, it pretty much gets capped with 1 "perfect" ECCC. Basically, using multiple elements of the same Altar Boosting methods, won't be efficient; you'll have to use multiple different methods.
I can't craft the Starlight Crafting Altar (2nd Altar) from Astral Sorcery - why?
We don't know. It's a bug. Usually, attempting to finish the recipe above Y:128, solves the problem.
How do I boost the Water Wheels from Create?
Use this setup:
How do I make an automated infinite water source?
Use this type of setup, is that simple (power source doesn't matter ofc):
I can't craft X item in the Mechanical Crafter - why?
You ALWAYS need a 5x5 grid of Crafters in order for the recipes to work - that's why the quest asks for 25. The items have to be placed like JEI shows, so if a recipe is centered in JEI, you have to place the items in the center of the Grid. Make sure you have enough SU available on your system. Make sure there's no weird redstone signal that's blocking the Crafters. If you followed all of these steps and you still can't craft your item:
You might be on a server
If you are, a server restart should solve the problem. If it doesn't ask for help on our Discord server.
If you are on Singleplayer
Ask for help on our Discord server.
My Deployer doesn't work - why? (thx OminousWo1f)
This might be a result of multiple reasons. Your Deployer might not be allowed access in your claimed chunks from FTBTeams or it may be located within your Colony. If your Deployer is in your Claimed Chunks, you'll have to grant access to the Deployer in the FTBTeams menu by setting Allow Fake Players to True and Block Edit Mode
and Block Interact Mode
both to Allies
. If your Deployer is in your Colony, you'll have to grant access to the Deployer in the Town Hall. Head into the Town Hall block and go to the Permissions
button on the left. In the Add Player:
box, add Deployer
and set it to Officer
. If you change the permissions of your ranks you will need to give it permission to place block, take block and right click block. Note: If your claimed chunks and colony both overlap your Deployer, you'll have to give it permission in both systems. You might also just not have enough RPM for it to run, or it might be in simulate left click (the fist) mode. Change it to simulate right click (the finger) mode with a Wrench from Create.
FTB Menu Example:
MineColonies Townhall Example:
How do I get Nebu? I've been mining for a bigillion hours!
Use a Scanner from the Scannable mod. You'll need a Block Module and one Nebu Ore Block in order to configure the module. Here's an idea of how rare the Ore is:
I can't find any Fluid Reservoirs/My Sample doesn't show any Fluid Info - why?
Sometimes the Core Sample Drill won't show Fluid Reservoirs data on its Samples. It usually should show it as "No Reservoir". If you don't see something like that on your probe, you might be experiencing this issue. To solve it, try to take the Sample by right clicking the Drill with an Engineer's Hammer in hand. If that doesn't work, try with an empty hand. If that doesn't work, try to restart the game/server. If that also does nothing.. well. Try joining our Discord and ask for help there.
My Excavator doesn't get any ores even though I have it in the right chunk - what's up?
In 1.16, Immersive Engineering changed the way in which you find Mineral Deposits. They're no longer found per chunks, but in specific circular areas, so you'll have to be more accurate with your searches and the place in which you put your Excavator (the closer to the middle of the circular area, the better). Make use of the Survey Tools and the Core Sample Drill to determinate the position of a Deposit.
How do I move Spawners?
A very nice question. It's quite simple actually. You don't. Not until the 3rd Age with the Life Aggregator from Botania or a CardBoard Box from Mekanism.
There are no upgrades for Industrial Foregoing?
Yes, there are. Starting with the 4th Age.
"Blocking Mode - Do not push crafting items if inventory contains items" doesn't work well with the Thermal Machines.
So let's say you wanna auto craft in the Induction Smelter. You'll see that you can't really do that, as the Smelter will be filled with the ingredients from multiple recipes.
Indeed, this is a conflict between AE2 and the Thermal Series. This is not limited to our mod pack. You can reproduce this exact issue in other mod packs such as Create Above and Beyond. We can't fix this issue, but luckily there's a workaround:
You'll have to use a buffer for your machine and an Import Bus to place the outputs back in the system:
As you can see in the picture shown above, the Interface is set to Blocking Mode - Do not push crafting items if inventory contains items
. The Induction Smelter is set to auto Input
from the Chest
and auto Output
to the Import Bus
. This will solve the issue.
Is the Anvil from Tinkers Construct disabled?
No. You get access to it starting with the 2nd Age.
I can't use the Mana Infuser from Mythic Botany, why?
We're using a modified platform for it. It's make of Runed Marble and Elementium Blocks:
I've lost one of the Eyes obtained after a major boss fight - what do I do?
You'll have to cheat the eye in, otherwise you're not getting a new one.
Is there any way I can modify the mobs difficulty?
Luckily, yes. Check the info present here.
Last updated
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