Restriction Data

So exciting, the tutorial is almost finished!!!

So open the file you've created in the previous step with your preferred text editor and let's start making a restriction.

Restriction Data example (a restriction's required information)

  "Restriction Data": {
    "stage": "age_1",
    "itemList": [
    "blockList": [
    "modList": [
    "exceptionList": [
    "containerList": [
      "net.minecraft.inventory.container.WorkbenchContainer", "thitemstages.inventoryMenu.CraftingGrid"
    "dimensionList": [

Ok soo, now what does everything mean???

  • "stage": <stage_name> - the stage that the restriction is linked to - requires a String

  • "itemList": <items> - the list of items that should be linked to the restriction - requires a list of Resource Locations (item ids)

  • "blockList": <blocks> - the list of blocks that should be linked to the restriction - requires a list of Resource Locations (block ids)

  • "modList": <mods> - the list of mods that should be linked to the restriction - requires a list of Strings (mod ids)

  • "tagList": <tags> - the list of tags that should be linked to the restriction - requires a list of Resource Locations (tag ids)

  • "exceptionList": <items> - the list of items that are in the mods/tags previously stated that shouldn't be linked to the restriction (useful if you want to hide items from the same mods/tags to multiple stages) - requires a list of Resource Locations (item ids)

  • "containerList": <container_classes_paths> - when the player is going to open a container from that list if he has items from that restriction they will be dropped from his inventory - requires a list of Container Classes paths (easiest way of getting the path of a container class is enabling the mod's debug mode found in the "thitemstages-common.toml" config file, with that enabled when you're going to open a container the path of that container's class will be shown in chat)

  • "dimensionList": <dimensions> - the list of dimensions that should be linked to that restriction - requires a list of Resource Locations (dimension ids)

Last updated