Mob Difficulty

Explaining how each Age effects the mobs you'll be battling.

So in this pack, we're using T.H.I.S. in combination with Improved Mobs. This allows us to make the mobs stronger with each Age present in the game. Mobs will get smarter, faster, stronger. They'll also get new abilities, more health and armor.

In the following examples, some vanilla mobs will be given as general examples. Let's see what you can expect:

1st Age

Mobs can spawn with armor such as gold, and weapons such as stone swords, shovels, axes and other substitutes. Sometimes you can expect them to throw Snowballs and Ender Pearls at you. Their armor and weapons might come with weak enchantments.

Zombies/Skeletons/Creepers - 25 Health Points.

Spiders - 20 Health Points.

Endermen - 50 Health Points.

2nd Age

The previous abilities may be more common. Mobs may be a little faster here. They may spawn with Shields that will block any attack you might land on them. Usually you need to insist with multiple hits, in order to hurt them. Spiders are NOT an exception and their shield won't be visible.

Zombies/Skeletons/Creepers - 36 Health Points.

Spiders - 29 Health Points.

Endermen - 72 Health Points.

3rd Age

The previous abilities may be more common. Armor pieces made of Netherite may be more common here. You can expect the mobs to have more powerful enchantments on their gear. You can expect them to run pretty fast towards you.

Zombies/Skeletons/Creepers - 52 Health Points.

Spiders - 42 Health Points.

Endermen - 104 Health Points.

4th Age

The previous abilities may be more common. They are very fast, have powerful armor and weapons (usually Diamond level or Netherite) with powerful enchantments. They can see you from a higher distance and will attack you in big groups. They'll commonly use magic attacks which can pass through armor.

Zombies/Skeletons/Creepers - 84 Health Points.

Spiders - 67 Health Points.

Endermen - 168 Health Points.


At this point they'll be at their strongest level, dealing massive amounts of damage. Using just the Gem Armor, keeps you alive for about 5/6 seconds against direct attacks.

Zombies/Skeletons/Creepers - 100 Health Points.

Spiders - 80 Health Points.

Endermen - 200 Health Points.

How does this work on Multiplayer?

The game will calculate the mob difficulty based on the Age each player is in. Let's say you're Age 2 and your friend is Age 1. If you're close to each other, the mobs spawning around will have and, generally, they'll be a mix of the 1st and the 2nd Ages. If you're far away from each other, you'll find mobs specific to your Age only, no modifications will be made.

Are all the mobs affected?

No, of course not, that would make the game impossible to complete. If you want the short version, know that bosses and , are not affected by the increased mob difficulty.

if you want the long version, well.. Here's a full list of all the mobs that are not affected by the increased mob difficulty:

Improved Mobs Blacklist
"More Entities" = ["minecraft:cod", "minecraft:donkey", "minecraft:squid", "minecraft:mule", "minecraft:skeleton_horse", "minecraft:hoglin", "minecraft:strider", "minecraft:trader_llama", "minecraft:parrot", "minecraft:cow", "minecraft:zombie_horse", "minecraft:horse", "minecraft:bee", "minecraft:polar_bear", "minecraft:cat", "minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:bat", "minecraft:wandering_trader", "minecraft:salmon", "minecraft:fox", "minecraft:llama", "minecraft:pig", "minecraft:iron_golem", "minecraft:tropical_fish", "minecraft:turtle", "minecraft:sheep", "minecraft:ender_dragon", "minecraft:snow_golem", "minecraft:mooshroom", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:ocelot", "minecraft:dolphin", "minecraft:chicken", "minecraft:wolf", "minecraft:panda", "minecraft:rabbit", "minecraft:villager", "minecraft:vex", "minecraft:evoker", "minecraft:evoker_fangs", "minecraft:illusioner", "minecraft:vindicator", "minecraft:ravager", "minecraft:phantom", "minecraft:wither", "twilightforest:ur_ghast", "atum:pharaoh", "minecraft:ender_dragon", "ars_nouveau:wilden_boss", "ars_nouveau:wilden_guardian", "ars_nouveau:wilden_hunter", "ars_nouveau:wilden_stalker", "botania:doppleganger", "mutantbeasts:mutant_creeper", "mutantbeasts:mutant_enderman", "mutantbeasts:mutant_skeleton", "mutantbeasts:mutant_zombie", "mowziesmobs:ferrous_wroughtnaut", "mowziesmobs:foliaath", "mowziesmobs:naga", "mowziesmobs:barakoa_sunblocker", "mowziesmobs:barakoan_barakoana", "mowziesmobs:barakoana", "mowziesmobs:barakoaya", "mowziesmobs:barakoa_sunblocker_player", "mowziesmobs:barakoan_player", "mowziesmobs:barako", "eidolon:wraith", "eidolon:zombie_brute", "twilightforest:minotaur", "twilightforest:death_tome", "twilightforest:hostile_wolf", "twilightforest:hedge_spider", "twilightforest:fire_beetle", "twilightforest:lich", "twilightforest:ice_crystal", "twilightforest:knight_phantom", "twilightforest:yeti", "draconicevolution:draconic_guardian", "doggytalents:dog", "minecolonies:citizen", "minecolonies:visitor", "minecolonies:barbarian", "rats:rat", "rats:black_death", "rats:rat_king", "supplementaries:firefly", "resourcefulbees:abbee_bee", "resourcefulbees:alexandr_bee", "resourcefulbees:aquamarine_bee", "resourcefulbees:ashy_digging_bee", "resourcefulbees:basalz_bee", "resourcefulbees:black_carpenter_bee", "resourcefulbees:blazing_bee", "resourcefulbees:blitz_bee", "resourcefulbees:blizz_bee", "resourcefulbees:bricky_bee", "resourcefulbees:chocolate_bee", "resourcefulbees:chorus_bee", "resourcefulbees:cinnabar_bee", "resourcefulbees:cobblestoen_bee", "resourcefulbees:coral_bee", "resourcefulbees:cotton_candy_bee", "resourcefulbees:creeper_bee", "resourcefulbees:dragon_bee", "resourcefulbees:drowned_bee", "resourcefulbees:dungeon_bee", "resourcefulbees:dye_bee", "resourcefulbees:ender_bee", "resourcefulbees:enderslime_bee", "resourcefulbees:ghostly_bee", "resourcefulbees:glass_bee", "resourcefulbees:glowstone_bee", "resourcefulbees:grass_bee", "resourcefulbees:green_carpenter_bee", "resourcefulbees:ichor_bee", "resourcefulbees:icy_bee", "resourcefulbees:kitten_bee", "resourcefulbees:lady_lexxie_bee", "resourcefulbees:lava_bee", "resourcefulbees:leafcutter_bee", "resourcefulbees:magmatic_bee", "resourcefulbees:mason_bee", "resourcefulbees:nether_bee", "resourcefulbees:nether_bricky_bee", "resourcefulbees:nether_quartz_bee", "resourcefulbees:obisdian_bee", "resourcefulbees:oreo_bee", "resourcefulbees:papa_beemeritus_bee", "resourcefulbees:phantom_bee", "resourcefulbees:prismarine_bee", "resourcefulbees:red_carpenter_bee", "resourcefulbees:reed_bee", "resourcefulbees:resin_bee", "resourcefulbees:ryan_bee", "resourcefulbees:sand_bee", "resourcefulbees:silky_bee", "resourcefulbees:skeleton_bee", "resourcefulbees:skyslime_bee", "resourcefulbees:slimy_bee", "resourcefulbees:soul_bee", "resourcefulbees:starry_bee", "resourcefulbees:sugarbag_bee", "resourcefulbees:tea_bee", "resourcefulbees:water_bee", "resourcefulbees:white_carpenter_bee", "resourcefulbees:wither_bee", "resourcefulbees:xp_bee", "resourcefulbees:xp_drone_bee", "resourcefulbees:yellow_carpenter_bee", "resourcefulbees:yeti_bee", "resourcefulbees:zombie_bee", "atum:camel", "atum:nomad", "atum:brigand", "luggage:luggage", "aquaculture:acacia_fish_mount", "aquaculture:arapaima", "aquaculture:arrau_turtle", "aquaculture:atlantic_cod", "aquaculture:atlantic_halibut", "aquaculture:atlantic_herring", "aquaculture:bayad", "aquaculture:birch_fish_mount", "aquaculture:blackfish", "aquaculture:bluegill", "aquaculture:boulti", "aquaculture:box_turtle", "aquaculture:brown_shrooma", "aquaculture:brown_trout", "aquaculture:capitaine", "aquaculture:carp", "aquaculture:catfish", "aquaculture:dark_oak_fish_mount", "aquaculture:gar", "aquaculture:jellyfish", "aquaculture:jungle_fish_mount", "aquaculture:minnow", "aquaculture:muskellunge", "aquaculture:oak_fish_mount", "aquaculture:pacific_halibut", "aquaculture:perch", "aquaculture:pink_salmon", "aquaculture:piranha", "aquaculture:pollock", "aquaculture:rainbow_trout", "aquaculture:red_grouper", "aquaculture:red_shrooma", "aquaculture:smallmouth_bass", "aquaculture:spectral_water_arrow", "aquaculture:spruce_fish_mount", "aquaculture:starshell_turtle", "aquaculture:synodontis", "aquaculture:tambaqui", "aquaculture:tuna", "aquaculture:water_arrow", "boss_tools:star_crawler", "boss_tools:pygro", "boss_tools:mogler", "boss_tools:alien_zombie", "artifacts:mimic", "alexsmobs:tarantula_hawk", "alexsmobs:raccoon", "alexsmobs:gorilla", "alexsmobs:mantis_shrimp", "alexsmobs:bald_eagle", "alexsmobs:orca", "alexsmobs:cachalot_whale", "alexsmobs:seagull", "alexsmobs:seal", "alexsmobs:hummingbird", "alexsmobs:capuchin_monkey", "alexsmobs:tasmanian_devil", "alexsmobs:guster", "alexsmobs:rattlesnake", "alexsmobs:roadrunner", "alexsmobs:kangaroo", "alexsmobs:elephant", "alexsmobs:crow", "alexsmobs:gazelle", "alexsmobs:crocodile", "alexsmobs:fly", "alexsmobs:sunbird", "alexsmobs:endergrade", "alexsmobs:hammerhead_shark", "alexsmobs:lobster", "alexsmobs:komodo_dragon", "alexsmobs:centipede_body", "alexsmobs:centipede_body", "alexsmobs:centipede_tail", "alexsmobs:warped_toad", "alexsmobs:warped_mosco", "alexsmobs:moose", "alexsmobs:mimicube", "alexsmobs:blobfish", "alexsmobs:cockroach", "alexsmobs:cockroach_egg", "alexsmobs:shoebill", "alexsmobs:soul_vulture", "alexsmobs:snow_leopard", "alexsmobs:spectre", "alexsmobs:alligator_snapping_turtle", "alexsmobs:mungus", "alexsmobs:stradpole", "alexsmobs:straddleboard", "alexsmobs:emu", "alexsmobs:platypus", "alexsmobs:tasmanian_devil", "alexsmobs:kangaroo", "alexsmobs:kangaroo", "alexsmobs:cachalot_whale", "alexsmobs:leafcutter_ant", "alexsmobs:tiger", "alexsmobs:void_worm", "alexsmobs:void_worm_part", "alexsmobs:frilled_shark", "alexsmobs:mimic_octopus"]

What you should do to stay alive

Before moving to the next Age, prepare yourself with a strong set of armor and some decent weapons. When you do finally get into the next age, along with the main progression, try to get your hands on new gear, including useful items.

Let's see some specific Armor/Weapon recommendations:

1st Age:

  • Mid Level - Upgraded Traveller's Armor + a Tinker's Weapon

  • High Level - Enchanted Sanguine Praetor/Neptunium Armor + Praetor Scythe

2nd Age:

  • Mid Level - Plate Armor/Brass Exoskeleton Armor + Enhanced Crystal Sword

  • High Level - Enchanted Terrasteel Armor + Enchanted Terrablade

3rd Age:

  • Mid Level - Flux-Infused Armor + a Flux-Infused Weapon

  • High Level - Mekasuit + Atomic Disassembler

4th Age:

  • Mid Level - Mekasuit + Red Matter Sword

  • High Level - Gem Armor + Any Draconic Harness + Red Katar


  • The Infinity Armor + Infinity Sword

Is the game too hard for you?

If you find the mob difficulty to be too hard for you, luckily you can change it for each Age individually. You can either make the changes with the game closed, or while it is open.

Let's find the configs. Go toThe Decursio Project - Expert\config\thitemstages\restrictions. Here, you'll find the following .json files:

  • Age_1.json

  • Age_2.json

  • Age_3.json

  • Age_4.json

  • Endgame.json

Let's say you wanna make the 2nd Age easier. Open Age_2.json and look for the "improvedMobsDifficulty" field. , then save the file. If the game is opened, you'll have to use the following command, to apply the changes in-game /thitemstages reload. After that, the will be weaker.

If you want the mobs to be stronger, you can follow the same steps and increase the value present in the "improvedMobsDifficulty" field.

Last updated

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