No Release?

Things that keep this mod pack from entering a Release state.

Broken EMC

At the moment, there are some issues regarding the EMC values of some items. Basically right now you'll be able to make EMC farms using things as simple as Clay and Clay Blocks. Some items are also in need of EMC removal due to their overpowered nature. In general the only items that should have an EMC value, are base items. For example, Sugar Cane should have EMC, but Paper shouldn't.

This is still an issue, as out players get the chance to work with EMC really late in the mod pack - so not all of them get to that point.

Nasty Villagers

We generally dislike the Villager Trades added in 1.14. We'd like to take the time to completely nerf the trades for all the Villagers in the game. We also want to completely remove the ability of changing a Villager's profession. Finally we wanna add some mechanics that would completely remove the possibility of making Trading Halls.

Multiplayer x|

This might never be solved, but at the moment there are multiple issues on the multiplayer side of the mod pack. Nothing that would prevent you from finishing the pack, but in general, there's a wide collection of visual bugs/glitches and desynchronizations that may slow you down. You might experience things such as crafting an item in a machine and not being able to take the item out and more. Usually a restart fixes the issues. Eventually we'll have to skip over these problems.

Last updated

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