Ore Gen
Info about all the ores in the game and where you can find them.
First things first, the mod pack has a quest page were you can find all the info presented here, so you don't have to switch to your browser or anything. Secondly, this pack uses Emendatus Enigmatica as an Ore Generator even for Vanilla Ores, so you might feel like some resources are not as easy to find as they used to be/they're more common then usual.
Another thing you might wanna know is that, the most majority of the ores in this pack, will drop Chunks, not Blocks. However, these Chunks will act EXACTLY as the Blocks - they can't be mined with Fortune. They can also be turned into the Block version of the ore. So NO. This pack does NOT use the 1.18+ mining system from Minecraft.
Now, let's see where you can primarily find your metals and minerals:
Coal: y 0-120
Cinnabar: y 4-16
Sulfur: y 0-16
Lapis: y 0-16
Redstone: y 0-16
Emerald: y 100-212
Diamond: y 0-16
Quartz: y 40-140
Ancient Debris: y 12-17
The End
Dimensional Shards: randomly
The Moon
Certus Quartz: y 8-36
Charged Certus Quartz: y 5-25
Source Gems: y 8-42
Pure Skystone: y 2-50
Dry Ice: y 5-42
Apatite: y 32-64
Potsssium Nitrate: y 0-16
Fluorite: y 0-16
Draconium Ore: y 2-18
Flux Ore: y 2-35
Copper: y 44-60
Tin: y 40-54
Aluminum: y 50-70
Zinc: y 34-50
Lead: y 32-40
Iron: y 0-64
Nickel: y 24-40
Silver: y 30-38
Gold: y 0-32
Osmium: y 20-44
Uranium: y 4-20
Cobalt: y 46-78
Nebu: y 0-64
The End
Thallasium: randomly
The Moon
Desh: y 0-23
Silicone: y 0-17
Last updated
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